Fast and affordable home laundry service

Dubbo laundry service

MOST people loath washing and ironing every week, above all the other chores you must do, but the White and Bright Launderette makes it easy by coming right to your home.

That’s right, they’ll not only handle all your laundry needs, but they come right to your home do it all for you while you get on with work or a good rest.

Yes, they will provide a pickup and delivery washing, ironing and folding service or come to your home and do it all.

Alternatively, if you would rather do itself you can visit the launderette and DIY.

It’s the perfect idea for a busy couple, a family or a single person. A knock on the door and you don’t have to worry about it.

Bright & White Laundrette is located at 272 Myall Street, Dubbo.

Visit: White & Bright Laundrette – WeComeToYou

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